First Visit

Please visit the forms tabs and print the documents needed at your first visit.Please remember to bring the following: Parent/Guardian photo ID Child Insurance Card List of current medications and allergies Please bring your child’s medical records and insurance authorization from the Primary Care doctor to your first visit with us. The following are helpful on the initial visit: Growth …

Our Physcians

Our Physicians Dr. Tsu-Hui Lin, M.D. Dr. Terry DeClue, M.D. Dr. Grace Dougan, M.D. Dr. Anne Lenz, M.D. Click on link below, to learn more about the physicians. Thank you. Dr. Tsu-Hui Lin, M.D. Dr. Terry DeClue, M.D. Dr. Grace Dougan, M.D. Dr. Anne Lenz, M.D. Phone (813) 554-8420 | Fax (813) 554-8377 |